GEDNAP Proficiency Tests 68 & 69 (2024)
The GEDNAP Proficiency Tests 68 & 69 have started on 15 July 2024.
The deadline for result submission was 06 December 2024.
The evaluation of the results will be provided to the participants on 21 February 2025 during the 2nd GEDNAP Workshop (Muenster, Hotel Moevenpick).
The registration is possible online at the following URL:
Module 7 (biostatistical calculation) GEDNAP 68 & 68 available
The paper challenge files of the GEDNAP Proficiency Tests 68 & 69 (module 7, biostatistical calculations) haven been sent out today to the participants by email.
Both calculation methods that are recommended by P. Schneider et al. (2009) Int J Legal Med 123:1–5), i.e., LR and RMNE, are expected. Only the allele frequencies that were observed in the course of an ENFSI population study (source: “Europe” in STRidER_frequencies_2019-08-02, sh all be used. They can be downloaded from the GEDNAP website ( For rare alleles the recommendations (W. Ulbrich et al. (2016) Rechtsmedizin 26: 291-298) shall be followed. The frequency of rare alleles (fmin) shall be estimated according to the NRC report (1996). If the estimated fmin is below 0.001, one shall use the value 0.001. The calculation steps must be documented by a print-out. The employed software version must be named. Please note that the calculations have to be executed without the correction factor ‘theta’ (i.e. with a theta value of zero).
The deadline for result submission will be 06 December 2024.
The evaluation of the results will be provided to the participants in February 2025.
New molecular genetic analyses resolve the controversy of Kaspar Hauser’s alleged noble origin
A summary of the new findings that have in part been presented during the Munich Spurenworkshop 2020 and have recently been accepted for publication is available here.
GEDNAP Proficiency Tests in 2023
The GEDNAP Proficiency Tests 66 & 67 started in June 2023. The deadline for result submission was 04 December 2023.
The evaluation of the results was provided to the participants in February 2024 by means of the GEDNAP workshop.
update: STR allele frequencies Europe
A new release of STRidER (STRs for Identity ENFSI Reference Database), the expanded and enhanced version of the ENFSI STRbASE (2004-2016), is available here since March 30, 2020:
In Germany it is recommended to use most recent the European allele frequencies as a standard. To receive periodic news and stay updated about STRidER, you may register here for the STRidER newsletter:
For the biostatistics modules of the GEDNAP proficiency tests in 2020 the recent allele frequencies [source: "Europe" in STRidER_frequencies_2019-08-02] will be used as well.
GEDNAP Proficiency Tests 68 & 69 result submission
Due to numerous late registrations and the new parentage testing module the result submission mode has not been activated so far. In the next week (i.e., week 45), entering results will be made possible. Participants will be informed immediately after activation.
GEDNAP Proficiency Tests in 2022
The GEDNAP Proficiency Tests 64 & 65 have started in July 2022. The deadline for result submission was 06 January 2023.
The evaluation of the results will be presented during the 43rd Spurenworkshop that will take place in February 2023 in Bielefeld (Germany).
Organizer is: Prof. Dr. Carsten Tiemann (LabCon OWL, Bad Salzuflen; email: tiemann at and his team.
Stain Workshop 2023
The 43rd Stain Workshop will take place from February 23 – 25, 2023 in Bielefeld.
The local organizer is: Prof. Dr. Carsten Tiemann (LabCon OWL, Bad Salzuflen; email: tiemann at and his team.
The workshop language will be German, but oral contributions in Englisch are welcome.
GEDNAP Proficiency Tests in 2021
The GEDNAP Proficiency Tests 62 & 63 have started in July 2021. The deadline for result submission is 04 December 2021.
The evaluation of the results will be presented during the 42nd Spurenworkshop that will take place on February 10 – 12, 2022 in Bielefeld (Germany).
Organizer is: Prof. Dr. Carsten Tiemann (LabCon OWL, Bad Salzuflen; email: tiemann at and his team.
virtual Stain Workshop 2021
The 41st Stain Workshop took place virtually. Virtual seminars took place on February 23 & 24, 2021. The plenary programme (scientific presentations and the evaluation the GEDNAP Proficiency Tests 60 & 61) took place:
Thursday, February 25, 2021 (1400 – 1710) and
Friday, February 26, 2021 (1000 – 1345).